Below you can find GPS locations to where we are, if you plan to come by airplaine, the closest airports are in Ålesund and Molde.
If you plan to arrive by train, the closest station is Åndalsnes.
We will do our best to help you get here :-)
The parking is next to the main road at Røsok, the camping and the 3D track is further down the road towards the sea.
GPS cordinates: 62°44'34.9"N 6°26'03.6"E
Everything is in walking distance from the parking, you can drive your things down to the camping but we prefere that you after unloading the car, park at the parking.
The price for camping for one person is 50kr. pr night.
You can pay when you pay your entry fee.
The camping is almost in our 3D track, try not to walk too close to the targets the day before the competition.
GPS cordinates: 62°44'41.5"N 6°25'51.9"E
The Caravan parking is down in the harbour, there are designated places to park and we ask that you park where you are supposed to.
It´s the same price for sleeping in your car or an RV
Parking is managed by the the community that run the harbour, you can pay directly to them, or when you pay your entry fee, 200kr pr night, let us know how you wish to pay when you pick up your accreditation pass
GPS cordinates: 62°44'43.5"N 6°25'41.0"E
This is the same place as we compete sunday.
This is where everything happens, food is sold here, the gathering in the evening is here, you pay your entry fee and pick up your accreditation pass here.
This is also where the Results and Shooting order for the finals will be published.
GPS cordinates: 62°44'44.8"N 6°25'34.0"E
From Åndalsnes easiest way to Harøy is by car, you can drive the blue route which is the shortest route.
The route follows the new road and ends at the track
From Molde the easiest way to go, is by car. To the right you can see the map, it´s no problem getting here.
If you arrive by plane, I would recomend planning minimum 45 min. from the airport to the first ferry.
First ferry route 31, then 32.
Aim for one of the departures circled in green. Then you have ok time for the next one :-)
ferry nr. 31 and 32, timetables below
If you wish to travel with public transportation, we recomend using the ENtur app, it contains all the options for transportation
From Ålesund Airport you can go by car, or you can go by bus and passengerboat.
If you drive by car you follow the route to the right, we now have a road all the way, follow the map to the right.
If you want to go by public transportation, we recomend using the ENtur app, which have all transport options.